Monday, September 22, 2008

She's Perfect!

Today was Lainey's 15 month appointment so I took the day off. I was just going to take the afternoon off, but I was feeling pretty gross. Anyways, despite her picky eating habits, she is still 60% in weight and 97% in height. Dr. Ralston said she's just perfect! I didn't need to take her to the doctor to find that out :) Sorry, I'm not really braging, she's just so stinkin CUTE!!!
School is going well, I have a cute class, only 20 students so far. I started with 22. I'm sure I'll get any new little second grader that moves in. I really do enjoy teaching while I'm doing it, but it is so hard to be away from Lainey and know what I'm missing out on. She is my sunshine and it is still an adjustment everyday.


Jen & Matt Rigby said...

She is perfect! I can't believe how fast they grow up, I have a one year old, I'm sure that wouldn't be as hard to come to grips with if I felt like I was really 25, but isn't it a little surreal?

Lindsey, Dan & Revin said...

She really is so cute! It was good to see you guys at Adam's Farewell and chat with you for a little while.

Rob & Tiffanie said...

She is adorable! I didn't think Cuz Josh had it in him to create such a cutie:)Just kidding I would have married him myself but they frown upon cousins marrying apparently...It is fun to think that our baby girls are only 5 months apart---they can do the girl bonding thing at the family parties!

Nathan and Esther said...

she is so cute! Is your hair dark now? I really, really like it!

Gene and Jenna said...

She's such a cutie! And getting so big! I miss seeing you guys!